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Kevin's Rant of the Day Emrys' Rant of the Day
Je fais tout les dessins!

Monday, June 16, 2003

I guess this is the official start of The Amish Van. Emrys and I have been preparing for this for awhile, and while I can’t speak for him, I know that for me at least it came down to me dashing around at the last minute trying to get a hojillion drawings and other last minute things done. I don’t work best under pressure. I work only under pressure.

I guess just for the information of all the people who aren’t visiting this website yet, I will mention that you all need to return every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the continuation of the story. Emrys and I have decided that we are up to the challenge of a thrice a week update. Why is that? Because we wholeheartedly believe sleep is for the weak.

Anyway, I know that no one is even reading this yet but I hope that whoever does enjoys what they see. Don’t forget to join us Wednesday for Episode 2 of The Amish Van. I need to get back to drawing.

Until then, be excellent to each other….


The Grand Reopening

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Well, welcome to the grand reopening of the Amish Van. We're bringing you good ol home cooked comics, all hand drawn by my man Kevin there on the left. Our special for the next several weeks is leftovers. That's right, we're redrawing the entire storyline from panel one. If you want to look at our original work please feel free to check it out at http://www.geocities.com/amishvan. Some of it is pretty awful, just to warn you. We're actually almost too embarassed to show that stuff to you, but I think it's good to see how far we've progressed.

To introduce myself, I'm Emrys, the webmaster for the Amish Van. I'm still shakey on all the funky programming stuff available for use with HTML, so don't expect anything fancy. We've got a ton of content coming your way as soon as we're finished with it, and it'll all be appearing on the big empty bars above our rant column.

Well, I've gotta get back to the 'ol keyboard. Rap atcha later.

- Emrys