All alone in my whiteboy pain
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
If you’re reading this, you’re here for one of two things. Either you got the mass e-mail link I sent out to just about everyone I know (and I’m fairly positive some people I don’t know either), or you were on the internet searching for information on the Amish and somehow came here. A hint if the latter is the reason – go elsewhere. Actually, even if the former is the case, you still might want to go elsewhere. For those of you just joining us, despair not if you missed the first comic. You will find our archive section to be most helpful; it is the section where we showcase previous episodes.
There’s not really a lot of extra news for right now. Hopefully there will be more content in addition to the comic come Friday’s update, but with me being the lazy moron that I am half the time, you never can tell. We shall see.
Aw, snap
Thursday, June 26, 2003
I'm telling you what; Ashley's eyes are really hard to color. Normally Kev does all the coloring, but until he gets the internet on his art machine, I'm the one playing Paint by Number. It's not hard, but it is time consuming.
If you ever have the opportunity, apply for a job at a local University as a janitor. Just do it for one summer. You learn things you never even knew you didn't know.
Yeah, I've never been good at this ranting stuff. So have a nice day.
- Emrys