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A Triumphant Return

The Amish Van

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Kevin's Rant of the Day Emrys' Rant of the Day
Meeting on a Pinhead

Wednesday, July 7, 2004

Vacation was awesome, although the vacation from the comic was a little longer than I believe was intended. Emrys and I went with some friends to Georgia for a week and great times were had by all in attendance.

The next couple of comics are basically loosely veiled methods of getting my overly opinionated opinions out… I’m not really picking on anyone that I know in particular, just mostly companies like Abercrombie & Fitch and people who think it’s cool to pay $40 for a T-shirt that looks like its been run through the washing machine excessively before it has ever been worn. I also find it incredibly funny that companies like American Eagle Outfitters design clothing with massive logos on them that make no sense like "Uncle Bob’s Pig Roast – Since 1986"… wow, that’s got to be one pretty foul pig if it’s been roasting for 18 years. Count me out.

I’m also busting on the teenage pop punk band trend in popular music. Simple Plan, Good (Bad) Charlotte, etc. (I know there are more but I can’t remember their names). Simple Plan makes me laugh because they are whiny beyond belief and they don’t have a single interesting song. Is it being vulnerable that gets them their fans? "I’m sorry, I can’t be perfect. Now it’s just too late and we can’t go back." What a hero. Loosely translated they’re saying, "My daddy hates me because I disappointed him." Maybe you should try writing remotely original music. I mean honestly, I’d disown these guys too.

Good Charlotte never ceases to amuse either, but for a different reason. Every song of theirs is extremely rebellious. They’re so rebellious in fact that I can’t figure out what they’re rebelling against. The handful of songs I’ve been able to force myself to endure have one of two themes: either "We started from nothing, now we’re big and you were mean to us so we will pee on your car," or "Rebel! Rebel! Rebel!" without telling us what to rebel against. It’s pretty sad when I find a Britney Spears song to be one of the more appealing things playing on the radio currently. Maybe sometime I’ll get around to ranting about the aural atrocity known as Hoobastank.


A Triumphant Return

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Yes, a return not only of Kevin back to his friends, but also of the comic.

I'll take full responsibility for the lateness of the comic. The following things are to blame. Firstly when I come home from work, I love to sleep, often until dinner time and then I'll be expected to go out and be social. Secondly, I went on vacation. Thirdly, I got a new computer.

Thankfully, I believe most of those problems have been resolved. We'll still have to see about the sleeping thing though.

Oh, additionally, there's been a correction made to comic #26, Displacement.

- Emrys