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Guest Comic 02 - Emrys Smith

The Amish Van

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Kevin's Rant of the Day Emrys' Rant of the Day
How do bikers dress?

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

The sacrifices I make for my comic strip…

You may have noticed the authenticity of the character design for Percy the Biker. This is because I am dedicated to bringing you the best comic possible no matter the cost to my personal mental health.

When I decided to put a biker in the comic, I realized I wasn’t exactly sure how a biker would dress during the summer, so I went to a number of different motorcycle websites, only to find nothing but pictures of the bikes, but no bikers. I then decided to go to Yahoo! Profiles and type in the search field Male age 25-35, and under the interests section I typed "bikers."

I might as well have typed in "Gay Sex Pornography" in the search field. I still have no idea how bikers dress because I was not able to find a picture of a male biker who was in fact wearing clothing of any kind. I quickly gave up my search when I saw what kind of results I was yielding. If you have a problem with Percy’s outfit, well then you may bite me.

I’m not entirely sure what the update situation is for while Emrys is away. I heard a rumor about a guest comic or something, but it’s his job to update the website so I’ll let him worry about that. I know I don’t have anything prepared for over his break, anyway. At The Amish Van, we have a very nice system worked out – I draw and Emrys stays out of it. He … I guess it’s called "HTML’s", and I stay out of that. I pretty much have no idea what I’m doing with websites and if I tried I would no doubt have the entire site destroyed by the time he returned. We both deserve a break anyway.

That’s it for this update. Peace out kids.


When Emrys Takes Control

Friday, August 08, 2003

So everyone, now you'll know what it would be like if I drew the comic. Yes, it's true. I'm the author of today's little piece of entertainment. There is, of course, a story behind it.

While walking around old San Juan, my girlfriend and I decided to stop into a museum. This museum turned out to be for little kids. However, instead of letting this ruin it for us we decided to take advantage of the unique opportunity to goof off. One of the exhibits was a room full of paper and crayons with a sign saying "Draw your face!" Instead of drawing my face and potentially unlocking a destructive force of art capable of creating a vacuum in space and time, I decided to simply do stick figures, like I usually do. Anyone who knows me will agree that I bear a striking resemblance to a stick figure anyway, so I figured it fit. This is the result. The photo is a little hard to read, so here's whats going on:

Emrys: A 17th century fort? Hot, tropical sun? Palm trees? Tanned people? Kevin, I know we're not at Purple Door, but I don't even think we're in Pennsylvania!

Kevin: Yeah, I knew it was a mistake having Nate drive with those shades on.

The large building in the background bears a vague resemblance to El Morro, the 17th century fort that I mention.

- Emrys