Don’t eat Chinese frozen dinners
Thursday, July 03, 2003
I like this comic. The drawings turned out pretty well in general although I am a bit annoyed with the last panel. I was pleased with the pencil drawing but it just kind of lost something when I inked it. A couple of factors contributed to this, the biggest factor being that I am quite possibly the worst inker ever.
So I have a long weekend off from work. That’s cool. Can’t ever get too many days off from work. Maybe I’ll be able to get ahead on the comic a little so I’m not doing everything at the last minute anymore.
Today’s trivia question: Why does 80’s pop music suddenly hold so much appeal to me?
Enter Kevrys
Friday, July 04, 2003
Well, my appologies to anyone who noticed that comic is being posted very late today. Something went wonky with photoshop last night and when 3:00am rolled around and I still hadn't fixed it, I decided to hang up the towel for the night. At any rate, it worked better this morning, so I can only conclude that my computer was overheated or something.
Speaking of overheated, it's pretty warm here in sunny PA. Thankfully though, I don't have to work today. Yeah according to the weather channel's happy local forcats page, it's around 87 here. Now granted, compared to those of you acessing our page from tropical islands or the Sahara Desert, 87 is pretty paltry. But we've been having a seriously cold year and I was starting to get pampered.
- Emrys