Don’t eat Chinese frozen dinners
Thursday, July 03, 2003
I like this comic. The drawings turned out pretty well in general although I am a bit annoyed with the last panel. I was pleased with the pencil drawing but it just kind of lost something when I inked it. A couple of factors contributed to this, the biggest factor being that I am quite possibly the worst inker ever.
So I have a long weekend off from work. That’s cool. Can’t ever get too many days off from work. Maybe I’ll be able to get ahead on the comic a little so I’m not doing everything at the last minute anymore.
Today’s trivia question: Why does 80’s pop music suddenly hold so much appeal to me?
Fusion Confusion
Sunday, July 06, 2003
By this time Wednesday I can almost guarantee we'll have a reviews page up and waiting for you. Kevin has declared his intent to write a review of Lunar Legend for the Game Boy Advance, and I have decided to write a review of Hulk. Hopefully either one of these will be some interest to you.
- Emrys