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So I Found the Haystack, Now Where's the Needle?

The Amish Van

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Kevin's Rant of the Day Emrys' Rant of the Day
No no drama; no no no no drama

Monday, February 5, 2007

Thankfully, we did not have any technical issues this week with posting the comic. That's something I can feel pretty good about.

I don't really have a whole lot to say right now. Enjoy the comic.


Timeliness is Next To Awesomeness

Monday, January 05, 2007

So everyone, this is probably one of my most favoritest comics of ours to date.

First of all, I really love the direction we're going with our characters. Before the break we were content to merely be silly for silliness sake or to give our characters lines without thinking about their motivations. In this new imagining though we've given a lot of time to planning out our characters backgrounds and goals and personalities and I think it really shows in this comic in particular.

Kevin did a fantastic job on the art. I think the third panel might be his best work on the comic to date. Overall the poses are really excellent, Eric is more threatening than ever, but also completely identifiable. Who hasn't felt that kind of frustration?

I'm really excited about where things are going, and I hope you all are too.

- Emrys